Forest landscape restoration through innovative agroforestry in Nicaragua

The Bosawás Biosphere Reserve, nestled in Nicaragua’s northeast, is home to the second-largest tropical rainforest on the American continent. However, the past years there has been substantial forest loss and land degradation. MLR Forestal has embarked on a transformative journey, focusing on landscape restoration through innovative agroforestry practices, including planting mixed teak and cacao on degraded lands.
The project’s scope is expansive, with plans to encompass a total VCS project area of 4,204 ha by 2030. This includes commercial plantations and the restoration of natural forest. MLR Forestal is also focused on managing assigned protection areas, gradually rehabilitating lands that have suffered extensive degradation.
Beyond ecological restoration, this project plays an essential role in rural job creation, environmental education, and the protection of the rich flora and fauna within the buffer zone of the Bosawás Biosphere Reserve.
Project name: Integrated project for reforestation and agroforestry on degraded lands in Nicaragua
Location: Nicaragua, Siuna and Bonanza
Project type: ARR, Nature conservation, commercial forestry & agroforestry systems
Project proponent: MLR Forestal (Website)
Project status: Certified
Standard: Verified Carbon Standard
Project area: 4,031 ha
Project period: 40 years (start date: 1/07/2016)
Total emission reductions: 416,021 tCO2e
First issuance: 2021
Project ID: 2365
Photos copyright © 2023 MLR Forestal. All rights reserved.